Boost New Teams and Partners with Immediate Results


BlitzMasters has trained and motivated thousands of new sales reps—now that magic and proven methodology is available as part of your learning & development strategy! Perfect for large, global sales teams and adaptable to in-person or virtual learning, the end result is measurable pipeline, opportunities, and revenue. BlitzMasters gives you everything you need to supplement onboarding or L&D initiatives with your partners or internal team.


Join the hundreds of companies gaining a competitive edge with BlitzMasters


BlitzMasters has helped its clients generate over $1 Billion in pipeline.


Training Workshops with a Robust Co-selling Platform


Proven Sales Techniques

Featuring digital flashcards with BlitzMasters content, BaaS will teach your salespeople how to handle objections, get voicemails returned, book appointments, and more!

Real-time Analytics

No more spreadsheets and delayed results. BlitzMasters tools give real-time data and tracking, so teams and leaders can immediately know the status each step of the way.

Sales Performance Tracking

Sales leaders get immediate insights and visibility during the blitz on who’s doing what and how each rep is performing, as well as an automated report when the blitz is done.


Training with measurable ROI

Our customers show a strong ROI for every blitz they hold, to the tune of millions of dollars in pipeline; and the results last far beyond the Blitz.

In fact, your partner sales teams will gain confidence while learning and putting into practice new powerful skills including:

  • Getting past the gatekeeper, connecting with the decision maker 

  • Creating a professional 15-second opening statement with your value-prop 

  • Handling common objections 

  • Leaving voicemails that get returned 

  • Setting appointments and creating pipeline on the same day



Why use BlitzMasters?

Transform sucky prospecing into immediate results as part of your L&D initiative!



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Free eBook:

A Sales Leader's Guide to Impactful Sales Blitzes

Learn how to maximize your sales blitzes through impactful sales enablement strategies and tools

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